
Phoebe and Enceladus by Tiffany Anne Tondut

Phoebe and Enceladus

by Tiffany Anne Tondut

Your whole body is an eye - blink!

should the stars in me die.

Satellites orbit the earth like stars.

They pretend to be us.

They pretend to know who we are...

Don’t let them fall into the river!

The stars, I mean. Or else

who will know you once read me

under their Camden bulbs?

Cradle my breath carefully.

Spill nothing

as you carve our constellations into the night.

Then build for our love a landmark

in this midnight-park,

So in the morning,

crowds can contemplate us in bronze.

Or else,

walk past in summer’s scores

to the souvenir stands,

sucking the life out of hotdogs.